TBT & D&T In Schools
With Years of Experience in Delivering D&T
Timebubble Toys can help!
Due to a strong emphasis on enhancing the teaching of Literacy & Numeracy in recent years; D&T projects have become harder to deliver.
Projects can consume a large proportion of teaching time and are all too often spread thinly over a number of weeks.
We can help you cover an entire project in a single day, with every pupil designing, constructing and evaluating.
Our resources are tried and tested and help to: inspire, develop problem solving skills and identify hidden talents in pupils.
“We are so lucky to have such a fantastic resource in you!!
Classes 2 & 3 were so jealous of the wonderful puppets &
are so excited that they will be working with you.”
Stradbroke Primary, Suffolk.
Why not email us
to see how we can help you!